Shen Yun: A lavish production that enriches the heart and warms the spirit!
An experience that you will cherish forever. Don't miss it!
Queen Elizabeth Theatre, April 1-3, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Many local citizens who passed by, greeted the Falun Gong practitioners,
honked and waved to them.
Vancouver, Canada: Oct. 2, 2010 Rally supports 81 million Chinese people who have quit the Party state, CCP
Divine Land Marching Band performs during the rally
Banners displayed in Chinatown
Ms. An who immigrated to Canada from Shanghai five years ago said to the rally:
"I know the CCP very well and I personally witnessed its crimes. In fact, all Chinese people know how bad the Party is. However, many people have been terrified and traumatized by its brutality. They do not dare to speak out. When I was in China, I said that the CCP was so evil and we could only wait for its destruction. The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party did a terrific job analyzing the Party."
Ms. An also expressed her admiration to Falun Gong practitioners as they dare to expose the crimes committed by the CCP despite the brutal persecution.
"Falun Gong practitioners in China have suffered so much; however, they persist. It is amazing." Read more at